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Happy Undead Mother-in-law’s Day–Or Valentine’s Day

“What’s ‘Happy Undead Mother-in-law Day? I know all about Valentine’s Day. That’s today. What’s up with Happy Undead Mother-in-law?”

Happy Undead Mother-in-law
My Undead Mother-in-law. Get it for your mother-in-law! Click here.

I’m glad you asked! It so happens My Undead Mother-in-law begins on Valentine’s Day. As the book opens, the family has dinner together, the undead zombies and the normal family members. Naturally, we celebrate it every year.

Here’s 2018’s celebration. 

All of 2017 was dedicated to My Undead Mother-in-law.

What’s that you say? You’d actually like to hear that scene? It so happens I’ve recorded myself reading it right here:

Andy Zach reads from ‘My Undead Mother-in-law’.

But maybe you want to read it yourself. No problem! I’ve got a free excerpt of chapter 1 right here for my faithful blog readers. Just drop me a note and I’ll send it to you.

Happy Undead Mother-in-law’s Day – You Can’t Afford a copy?

This is a common problem. You can’t afford the $17.95 for the audiobook version, the $12.95 for the print version, or even $2.99 for the ebook version.

Good news! I’m giving away a free paperback or ebook and an audiobook at the end of this month. Enroll right now the in the drawing.

You can also read the book for free on Kindle or Audible.

Finally, if you’re desperate, you can always do what I do when I want to read a book and not pay for it. Go to Amazon and click on the ‘Look Inside’ button and read random sections until you’ve read it all.

One more thing: here’s a Happy Undead Mother-in-law Review

Why is this my favorite review? It’s from a professional author who doesn’t like zombie books, yet loved My Undead Mother-in-law..

Stephanie Barr

4.0 out of 5 stars

Not your standard zombie tale

December 28, 2018Format:

Kindle Edition

Verified Purchase

When I started to read this book, I was leery. As far as I know, I’m less interested in zombies than anyone on the planet. How could I give a reasonable review? Turns out, it wasn’t hard at all. I’ve said before and it turned out to be true here that, if you have a ridiculous premise that’s hard to swallow, run with it, normalize it, and readers /viewers will eventually accept. And it worked. The original premise of cognizant, virtually indestructible zombies was lobbed and backed until I was a believer, actively rooting for zombies. Plenty of (bloodier than average) action, some smiling, if not guffaw humor, a nice fulfilling story arc in an easy readable length made for a fun book (if bloody action doesn’t bother you) with charm that didn’t take itself to seriously but still capable of many a tender and touching moments.

I’m glad my prejudice didn’t keep me from enjoying this out-of-the-common-way story.

Happy Undead Mother-in-law’s Day – Now What’s Next?

Later this month I’ll have my cover reveal for my next novel, Secret SupersWatch this blog or my Facebook page  for the exact date. I’m waiting to get all the pieces of the book together: interior text (being edited), chapter titles, and back copy blurb.

Once it’s all together, I assemble it and schedule my publication and launch dates.

Here’s a cover tease:

Happy Undead Mother-in-law
Aubrey, from the cover of Secret Supers.

But that’s not all! I’ve scheduled my first author appearance this year. See this next Facebook post from my page.

My goal is at least twelve author appearances this year. I’ll let you know as I schedule them.