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What Are The Zombie Turkeys Doing Today?

When we last checked with Zombie Turkeys, they were rampaging in Navy Pier in Chicago. What are the Zombie Turkeys doing now? Your life may depend upon it!

What Are Zombie Turkeys Doing Today? What are Zombie Turkeys Doing Today? Here they attack Navy Pier in Chicago.

If you’ve read Zombie Turkeys, you know you can’t kill them with guns or shotguns, and barely with flamethrowers, so it behooves you to pay close attention to their doings.

First of all, there’s this bloodthirsty rendition of a zombie turkey:

What Are Zombie Turkeys Doing? A Graphic Novel!

I’ve been threatening to create a graphic novel from my book Zombie Turkeys. Now, thanks to my faithful illustrator Sean Flanagan, we’re on our way.

First, the Zombie Turkey novel cover:

What Are Zombie Turkeys Doing? Zombie Turkeys print book. Click to download.

Now, for the first time ever, the Zombie Turkey Graphic novel cover:

That's what Zombie Turkeys Doing Today! What Are Zombie Turkeys Doing Today? A graphic novel!

While we’re on firsts, here are the first and second pages:

What Are Zombie Turkeys Doing? First and second pages of the Zombie Turkeys graphic novel.

How do I top this? Wait’ll you see what’s next!

How Would You Like A Zombie Turkeys Graphic Novel For Free?

“Andy! How can you do that? You’re a starving comic urban fantasy author!” you ask.

Thank you for your concern! But don’t worry; I’ll just take money out of my IRA!

But you probably want to know how to get such a treasure, for free. Here’s the secret: Subscribe to our newsletter by clicking here!

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That’s all folks!