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Science Is Science Fiction Story Fuel

Science is Science Fiction Story Fuel, so I read all the latest scientific discoveries all the time. Let me tell you how I might fictionalize these discoveries. Then you can tell me how you’d do it. The best answers get free books from me.

Cheat code: Click here to get free books immediately.

Let’s begin.

Science Fiction Story Fuel – Getting Sucked into a Black Hole

Falling into black holes has been done before in books and movies, but it’s always been wrong. Now we have a better idea than ever, with a sun being recorded while falling into a black hole.

How would I write about this? I’d show a civilization on a planet around that star and show them trying to stop or escape the disaster. Some would escape and some would not. I’d describe both perspectives.

How about you? What would you like to write or what would you like to read in a scifi story about a black hole? Let me know by clicking here and I’ll give a book to the best answer.

Which book could you win? We can start with this old favorite:

Going Viral
Fiction Story Fuel
Click Zombie Turkeys to get your copy.

I’ve got seven more books you can choose from. Read on for more chances to win.

New Telescope, New Pictures from Outer Space – more Fiction Story Fuel

How would I handle these new astronomical pictures in a science fiction story? I’d have them discover an alien civilization, perhaps a Dyson Sphere or a Dyson Ring. Then I’d cover humanity’s reaction to it and what happens next. Larry Niven did a great job with the latter in his books in the Ringworld series.

Fiction Story Fuel
Ringworld, Book 1

What would you do, my readers and friends? Tell me and win a book.

Speaking of advanced science, did you know I have sophisticated genetic engineering in this book?

This is another book you can win!

Here’s Your Third Chance to Win a Book

Coming up, you can learn more about the new James Webb telescope:

That’s right. The James Webb telescope will ‘see’ (via infrared) to within one hundred million year s of the Big Bang.

What kind of story would you like me to write from that factoid? Note you can email me at [email protected]

What would I write as a science fiction story? Perhaps a message sent from a very early advanced civilization to the present.

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Science Versus Science Fiction – Can Fiction Stay Ahead?

Science Fiction

Science Versus Science Fiction — Can science fiction authors even stay ahead of our rocketing science advances?

You ask, “Like what? What’s so hard about imagining a futuristic setting?”

How about this development?

In addition to announcing the world’s fastest computer for AI training, Tesla also presented a new self-driving application–autonomous, humanoid robots.

“But this is all just visionary stuff from Elon. It’s not here yet,” you respond.

Yup, not yet, but near. Just like SpaceX was a couple of years ago:

This is straight from 1950s science fiction. A rocket goes up in a plume of fire and lands on a rocket. And this video happened five years ago. This demonstrates Tesla and Elon Musk’s ability to bring his vision to reality.

Science Vs Science Fiction – Science Fiction Weighs In

How well is science fiction keeping ahead? Let’s start with a review I just wrote:

Science Versus Science Fiction book cover of Citizens
SciFi Book ‘Citizens’

I thought the anthology, ‘Citizens’ would be good, since it was military science fiction written by veterans. I also like John Ringo’s writing in general, and he has a story in here. But it exceeded my expectations.

Not only are there crackling good stories in this book, but it’s also a survey of great science fiction writers over the past seven decades. Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Heinlein, are here as well as Murray Leinster, Gene Wolfe, and Keith Laumer. Then there are some newer writers as well, veterans of the Iraq war with their unique takes on military scifi.

If you like military scifi, don’t miss this one.

Goodreads review by Andy Zach

How does this book stack up against current science? The science fiction is pretty well ahead.

Keith Laumer has a self-aware, highly motivated war robot.

Gene Wolfe and John Ringo explore extreme genetic modification for warfare.

David Freer has a light-hearted story about a postman who deflects an alien invasion.

Now, the more uncomfortable question: how am I, Andy Zach doing with my fiction versus the advances in science?

Zombie Detective‘s Science Fiction Versus Science

My next novel is Zombie Detective. Is it keeping ahead of science’s leaps?

Disclaimer: I set this novel in 2016 and I limited myself to science as I knew it then, plus a little more. What little more did I add?

Mostly, genetic engineering. That’s basically the cause of my zombieism, where rogue E Coli bacteria copy any tissue and replace it within minutes. I go into detail about how in my book, Zombie Turkeys.

Zombie Detective Excerpt for You

Getting back to Zombie Detective, I’m publishing it in September 2021. It begins like this:

“Sam, you’re fired.” Lisa’s green eyes met his brown ones. 

“What? Lisa, you and I have worked together at the Midley Beacon.  for ten years! And we’ve known each other for fifteen!   And we’ve been married almost two months!”  

“Sorry, Sam. Romance has to take a back seat to finances. Ever since the bottom dropped out of the zombie turkey news market since the first of the year, the Midley Beacon.  hasn’t made enough to pay your salary.”

“But that’s our salary. We share and share alike.”

“We can still live on my salary. And you can apply for unemployment, now that you’re fired.” 

“But what’ll I do all day? I can only play Fortnite for so long.”

“What did you do before I hired you, ten years ago? What did you do while I was in college?” Lisa’s brows furrowed.

“Uh, mow lawns. Handyman repair. Stuff like that. But I’m a grown man now. I want more.”

“Hmm, you are a decent reporter.”

“Thanks, Lisa. That’s high praise coming from you.”

“Well, it’s the truth. You’ve grown from a crappy reporter, like ninety-nine percent of all reporters, to well above average. I did lay off everyone else on the staff before you, you know.”

“Aw, you’re making me feel warm and mushy.”

“That’s part of good management, emotional manipulation.”

“Uh, you mean you don’t mean it?” Sam looked crestfallen.

“Nah, I mean it. Emotional manipulation is much more effective if you’re sincere.

From Zombie Detective

If you’ve read my books, why don’t you tell me how I’m doing keeping ahead of science? Contact me here or at

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Your Top 7 Science Stories of June and Science Fiction

Top 7 Science stories have to start with this one!

I would love it if Andromeda were that bright in the sky. Sadly, all we see is the fuzzy center. This picture demonstrates the power of time-lapse photography.

Then we have this breath-taking picture:

Your Top 7 Science Stories – The Second is Next

I read a deluge of science stories every week. This one filtered through the noise. I get a newsletter from GE, which is where I found it.

This meme may make you chuckle. It worked for me. If it does, let me know and I’ll give you a free ebook. Or you can get one by subscribing to my newsletter here.

Then Your Third is There Below

I first learned about living fossils in middle school with the coelacanth. Look! There’s one! Don’t delay! Click on the picture below.

Top 7 Science Stories - coelacanth
Coelacanth. Click to get one delivered to your door.

Continuing on, Your Fun Fourth

Who wouldn’t have fun with quantum computing?

If that’s not fun, try my collection of short stories.

latest science news Top 7 Science
Oops cover

You can get free short story from the book on me, right here: ‘In A Pickle’. Click here. Or, you can get the whole audiobook for free by clicking here.

Jive With Five of Top 7 Science Stories

This story is a little disappointing: you can’t expect spaceships to cruise about independent of orbits. It takes too much energy.

That’s no problem for SciFi authors, like the one behind my typewriter. In my book below, I have a spaceship that directly converts matter to energy. Very handy, that is.

Top 7 Science Stories
Paranormal Privateers cover

Your Sixth of Top 7 Science Stories

I can hear people saying, “That’s not science! That’s some idiot driving a wheel to 827 MPH.”

It is too science. The question was, “Can we spin a wheel faster than the speed of sound? What will happen?” There was an experiment to try it and they spun faster than the speed of sound. What’s more scientific than that?

Some free advice: don’t do this at home. Or anywhere else.

Your Last Science Story

The last science story covers anti-drone warfare–using silly string. I’m serious. Check it out in the link above.