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My 5 Best SciFi Story Ideas for You. Plus . . .

My 5 Best SciFi Story Ideas from science articles I’ve found around the internet. Let’s start with number one.

A quick summary of the previous story: The WannaCry worm came close to crashing the internet. It was only stopped by the quick thinking and hard work of two cybersecurity specialists.

How would you write a SciFi story off this? What would happen if the whole world used virtual reality and hackers attacked that? Reply with your best ideas and I’ll give each of you a short story.

This video is kind of science-fictiony, but more of a cautionary tale is what can go wrong with high-risk rocketry.

5 Best SciFi Story Ideas – Your Next Idea

What if? That’s the essence of writing science fiction. What if the moon program hadn’t been cancelled by a budget conscious Congress? What if we discovered something that changed human history? Again, comments to this blog post or email replies will get a free short story from me

Along with writing stories comes editing. Editing separates the lemons from the melons.

Your Third Science Fiction Seed

Here, I present to you a scifi take on pterodactyls.

Would you like pterodactyls flying around? Would you hunt them?

Then, speaking of things that fly, you have this unique video.

Your Fourth Science Fiction Inspiration

Where can you go with an AI poker player? Clean out Las Vegas? Or take over Las Vegas? Or flee assassins seeking to kill you?

Then you can get this science fiction short story I wrote, based upon a jar of pickles. And so much more.

5 Best SciFi Best Story Ideas
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The Last of 5 Best SciFi Story Ideas

Gravity lensing. Now used for astronomy. Could it be used for space travel? Teleportation? The sky’s the limit! No, your imagination is all that limits you.

No scientific article or paper is complete without a pie chart. So here it is.

Thanks for reading to the end of the blog! Laugh through my first novel, Zombie Turkeys for free by clicking this following cover.

 5 Best SciFi Story Ideas
Click to get your free copy of Zombie Turkeys

Sam Melvin, an underachieving e-reporter from a small town, changes forever when he meets turkeys that won’t stay dead. You can shoot ’em, chop ’em, burn ’em—they come back stronger. The undead plague of poultry spreads uncontrollably, rocking the whole country. As Sam tracks down the zombie turkeys and how to eradicate them, his editor, Lisa Kambacher, nags him to turn his stories and expenses in on time. During their years of working together, Lisa has mellowed into an irascible pinchpenny.

Lisa snipes at Sam for plebeian writing but uses her intelligence to pursue the lucrative carnivorous turkey story. Sam and Lisa ricochet across the landscape, tracking turkeys and fleeing the bloodthirsty hordes. Careening from shell-shocked grocery store owners fighting turkeys crawling out of refrigerators, to machine-gunning turkey farmers, to secret militia, Sam and Lisa doggedly report. Throughout the turkey apocalypse, they dare ravaged cities, plow knee deep in gore and corpses, and upload streams of zombie turkey video news to the world.

Paranoid militias clashing with the federal government forces and unkillable turkeys make Sam and Lisa doubt their ability to survive. Sam and Lisa have no superpowers. If you have a heart condition or lack humor, you should not read Zombie Turkeys, no matter how much you want to find out what happens.

from Zombie Turkeys

Zombie Turkeys Review

Rik Ty

4.0 out of 5 stars

Miss Goosebumps? Have Fun With Zombie Turkeys!

July 17, 2018

What was most surprising to me about Andy Zach’s Zombie Turkeys? – that is qualified as an actual adventure story! I wasn’t expecting that. About a quarter way in, when a young reporter gets the assignment to follow a swarm of 10,000 rampaging turkeys into a stretch of unfamiliar woodlands, it actually grabbed my attention while I was driving, and I was scared for the reporter (even without the zombie element, 10.000 turkeys is a LOT, and being a reporter is no protection against 10,000 wild animals).

More here:

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4 New Science Stories Ideal for Science Fiction

4 New Science and Technology Stories Ideal for Science Fiction. First of all, let’s start with this one:

What are the five coolest things and what kind of stories can I write?

Firstly, there’s a strong 3D membrane that can be used as a matrix for tissue growth and healing. I’d write a story about using it to restoring some injured person to better than they were.

Then, we have an on/off adhesive that works like a snail. When it’s dry it’s adhesive. When wet, it works as a lubricant. I’d write a story about a human fly who uses it to climb buildings.

Then we have a robotic fish. Out of millions of possible stories, my first inclination is to write about a hopeless military situation where an army is surrounded by a superior force and then use these fish to spy upon and attack the enemy.

Fourthly, read about mental control of prosthetic limbs through an EKG controlled helmet. I kind of have this in my books My Undead Mother-in-law and Paranormal Privateers. I could also use this in a sequel to my last book Secret Supers.

4 New Science Stories
Andy Zach’s books Click to get them.

Finally you’ll read about a solar desalinator. In this case, I’d make a story about a destitute desert county that turns into a paradise using this.

What stories do you have? What stories do you want? The best response by comment or email will get a free short story from me.

4 New Science Stories – Your Second Story

Yup, this lady wears an external corset that pokes anyone who comes too close to her. What would I do with this story idea?

I’d take it to the next level of extreme. I’d make it a military weapon by increasing the speed and force and add bowie knives to the end.

Then this weekend I’ll sign my books at Geekfest in Peoria.

4 New Science Stories – Your Third Story

Through the annals of science fiction many stories describe adventures with asteroids. In real life, we have a satellite around one for the first time, mapping it to plan a landing. How can I make that into my next story?

I would describe the landing from the satellite’s point of view. Then I would describe some giant creature swallowing it from inside the asteroid. Finally, I’d finish the story by portraying the creature’s point of view. Maybe it’d think, “Yummy!”

Oh, wait–George Lucas already did that. Watch this next video.

Your Last Story

Finishing up my science stories for you, read this next classic trope:

Hundreds, perhaps thousands of stories have been written about asteroids hitting the earth. How can I make it fresh and new?

I would write the story from the point of view of dwellers on the asteroid and their efforts to survive. But, would you enjoy that story?

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6 Great Items Scoured From the Internet

6 Great Items I found on the internet. You’ll find fantastic photos, some funny videos, some amazing news stories. Tell me your favorite and win a free ebooks.

My first item is a supernatural photo. Or is it? In any event, it’s great inspiration for a story. What story would you expect to read from this photo? Let me know and get a free short story!

Your next fun item is a YouTube video. Have you seen this before?

Does the Coyote get the Roadrunner?

Reply with your best suggestion on how the Coyote can catch the Roadrunner. Then I’ll send each response a free short story from my upcoming anthology.

6 Great Items – Your Third Delight

Then you have this a news story about bacteriophages. What are those? A virus that attacks bacteria. I only know because I researched them for my third novel, Paranormal Privateers. Here we have news catching up with my novel.

6 Great Items
Back cover section of Paranormal Privateers.Click to get

Zombies charge first, ask questions later.

Middle-aged, overweight, and undead, Diane Newby leads the paranormal privateers against criminals and corruption. Sailing to trouble spots too sensitive for the US government, with zombie strength and regeneration they beat bullies into submission. Aided by zombie turkeys, corgis, and bulls, vicious criminal geniuses fall before them. If Diane gets overwhelmed her lovely zombie bodyguards and romantic zombie husband come to the rescue.

Out of the blue, new foes appear. Or are they friends? Or both? The frenemies neutralize zombies and orchestrate world peace. They disrupt the economy and produce fabulous wealth. Even the greatest criminals and governments can’t stop them from dominating the world.

Can humanity afford the price of peace? All must surrender freedom to a not-so-benign dictatorship. Diane and the paranormal privateers must do the unthinkable to save humanity. But is it enough?

In an explosive and unconventional ending to Andy Zach’s Life After Life Chronicles, you will learn what happens when the paranormal privateers meet the world’s greatest fear. And you will laugh all the way.

Paranormal Privateers description

6 Great Items – Your Amazing Fourth

This next item will amaze you twice. First, it shows a murmuration, a flock of birds moving together in an unbelievable fashion. Second, I give you a copy of my short story ‘In A Pickle’ were I describe a very unusual murmuration.

The Fifth Item – A Mystery

Why? Why after 50 years did a dead satellite start working again? Give me a correct answer and I’ll give you ALL my books! It’s a real news story.

The Last and Hottest Thing on Internet

Just so you don’t think I’m too predictable, here’s something different.

Bonus Link! Pure Inspiration!

My most recent novel tells the tale of four disabled seventh graders who become superheroes. I found this video of professional violinists stunned by the amazing talent of disabled violinists.

And here you can read Secret Supers. Follow the link below.

6 Great Items
Click to read or get your copy.